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The Long Story with Simon Owens

Nov 30, 2020

Peruse a newsstand full of men’s magazines and you’ll probably notice a few common themes. The cover either features a bikini model or a suit-clad male celebrity. Inside, you’ll find stories meant to appeal to what many in the mid-20th century would have considered the “ideal” man -- articles about scotch,...

Nov 19, 2020

Lon Seidman didn’t launch on YouTube with the goal of becoming a top gadget reviewer. In fact, he stumbled upon that aspect of his career while struggling to run a video local news startup in Connecticut. Almost on a whim, he recorded a video review about one of the cameras he bought for his startup, and to his...

Nov 12, 2020

If you had to make a list of technologies that are most important to the average person’s day-to-day life, data centers would sit near the top of that list, and yet chances are you know very little about them. There are a few reasons for this. For one, they’re not sexy in the way that an iPhone or a cutting-edge...

Nov 6, 2020

Back in late 2019, nearly all the writers for the beloved sports site Deadspin resigned en masse after butting heads with the private equity executives who owned the website.

After they left, there was lots of speculation about where those writers would turn up. Would they simply get new jobs, or would they band...